The modern English term 'spirituality' refers to spirit and comes from the Latin spiritualitas. Spiritualitas springs from the noun spiritus which means 'the breath of life'. The semantic root of spiritus is the word spirare which meant to breathe, to blow and to live.
Spirituality is the rediscovery of who you are and your absolute purpose for living. It is the discovery of yourself as a spiritual being on a human journey, as well as a discovery of God/Goddess/All That Is (however you perceive it) and your relationship to that power or consciousness. Spirituality has to do with an individual’s awareness of their own needs and desires.
The first step toward spirituality is to realize that you already are a spiritual being. You are made up of body, mind and spirit. This is not just some New Age idea or religious dogma; it is simply a fact. Spirituality is not religion. Being spiritual means having an awareness of God, being in tune with its ways, and walking in its truth. Being spiritual means knowing that we are all one people and allowing our love to flow beyond boundaries of race, age or gender. 
Spirituality matters because it’s an important part of your overall health and well-being. Many people believe that spirituality is a belief or religion, but in reality, it is much more than that. People often find spirituality in their beliefs, but also in music and art, nature, relationships, and self reflection. Spirituality can help you make sense of the world around you and become more tolerant of others and yourself.
Nicely written.
ReplyDeleteAt any point, we can only wish that we know as much.