is an exciting word for most people. As a child, I pictured sorcery, Harry Potter, and wonderment. While this is all exciting, there’s more to magick than just the surface level.

Magick has been defined in many ways, but really comes down to the transformation process using complete alignment and focusing our energy towards a desired outcome.

When we bring our energy, intentions, and actions into alignment with one another, we create a vibration, resonance, or frequency that resonates with the vibration of magick. Magick is everywhere. It’s everywhere because it’s in everything. Magick is the energy of the universe: infinite and unconditional, and it exists in every cell of all living things.

How often do you think about the power you have over your own destiny? For many of us, the answer is "not enough." Even the word "power" carries a negative connotation—it's associated with corruption and abuse.

But what if I told you that there's such a thing as positive power? What if I told you that you can use this power to make your life better, and to help others? By harnessing the Life Force and understanding your place within it, you can wield magick in your everyday life.

Magick is not something that happens to you, it's something you create.

If you're having trouble making magick, it might be because your personal energy is out of alignment with your magickal intent.

We've all been there: you have a dream, you're excited to make it happen, and then suddenly you find yourself stuck. It's like your personal magick is blocked by some unknown force and you just can't figure out why.

Here's the thing: when you feel yourself falling out of alignment with what you want, there are ways to get back on track.

Here are some ways to help you get into alignment

1) Identify the problem. Is there a specific, negative thought pattern you're stuck in? An emotion that isn't serving you? A need that's not being met?

2) Address the root cause. Maybe you need to forgive someone in your past or yourself, maybe you need to forgive something that happened and let it go, or maybe there's a question you need to be answered. Whatever the issue, address it openly and honestly as much as possible.

3) Make a plan to move forward. If there's an obstacle in your way, what do you need to do to overcome it? If there's a new path before you, what do you need to take with you for support? Make sure to include time for self-care in your plan!

4) Write down your intentions. Make them clear as day! Write down what your heart desires so there is no confusion about where this journey should end up taking place at any given moment throughout its duration because if we don't know where we're going then how are we ever going to get there?

5) Work your magick! Once you've made your plan and things are moving again, get those wheels turning by focusing on your intention. See yourself accomplishing it and really feel the joy of knowing that thing is yours!

A few ways you can work your magic:

  • Meditate on your intention. Use the time to put yourself into a "magickal" mindset. This can be done any way that feels right to you — it may be through movement, deep breathing, or visualization. Whatever works for you is what's right.

  • Create an altar. You can use objects, images, and words that represent your intention or your goal in order to see it every day. Your altar can be as big or as small as you like!

  • Consider the energy of your home and workspace. Do they foster good energy, creativity, and imagination? If not, it might be time to spring clean!

  • Remember that you have control over your thoughts, and what you think about grows. So stay focused on your goals and intentions.

  • Don't let fear rule your life. Instead, consciously choose to believe that everything is going to work out and trust that you will receive all the help you need to make it happen.

  • Think big! Don't limit yourself with thoughts like "I'll never be able to do that" or "It's too hard." Imagination is everything, so start dreaming bigger!

You need to focus on the place you want to be at and how it will feel when you get there.

Try this simple technique for letting go of what you don't want, so that you make space for what you do:

Write a list of all the things that are bothering you.

Then take a sheet of paper and fold it in half. On one side, write everything that you want to let go of, such as debt, negativity, or your job. On the other side, write all the things that you want to invite into your life. For example, love, abundance, or prosperity.

Next, burn the list using a heat-proof bowl and watch as your worries disintegrate into smoke.

Use this exercise to help bring more intention into your life, and you can give your magical practice a jump start.

The concept of self-fulfillment is one that we should all try to achieve. It embraces a natural human desire to be happy and successful, which I believe most of us have. To do this, we need to take control of our own lives, look at our mistakes, learn from them and make the changes we need to live a happy and fulfilling life. This new way of living will not only make you happier but help you get in alignment with your own personal magick.

A lot of us are too busy to try and find out who we truly are. We spend our lives trying to keep up with what everyone else is doing, and we don’t even stop to think about what we actually want for ourselves. We work our asses off to try and impress other people and make them happy, instead of focusing on our own happiness. This can lead to a lot of frustration and unhappiness because it is only when we start living for ourselves that we can truly be happy.

Being in alignment with your personal magick means being in harmony with yourself, which means being true to yourself, working towards the things you want, and embracing the things that make you unique. It means letting go of the expectations people have placed on you and living according to your own principles. It means making peace with yourself so that you can move on from the past and create a brighter future for yourself. It takes time and effort but it is worth it!


  1. The way society tends to shape us all.

    1. It shapes us the way it knows how, The Reshaping is up to us now!


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